Did You Know These Fun Facts About Whether April Showers Really Bring May Flowers?

I’m Felicia Long of Compass RE and I’m more than just your REALTOR. I am your friend, family, and neighbor.
Your real estate investment is one of the biggest decisions you’ll ever make and can be a stressful process. I’ve been there too so I get it! I understand what it takes to help you achieve your goals successfully.
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Today I wish to explore an old adage I believe we all have heard our entire lives. Have you ever heard that “April showers bring May flowers?” I have heard it all my life, especially from all the women I have known who gardened frequently.
Is it true? Do heavy showers in April bring forth bloom in May?
Well, I read an article about this on an online site entitled, “Sweet April Showers, Do Spring May Flowers.” The article was on wonderopolis.org and wasn’t credited to any particular author.
Many of the below facts were from that article. There were other facts we provided that were generally known to those of us who either had mothers or had been members of garden clubs.
We found the following facts to be interesting:

Did You Know

The phrase “April showers bring(ing) forth May flowers” may date back to a poem written in 1610 which contained the lines, “Sweet April showers, do spring May flowers.”

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A longer phrase, “March winds and April showers bring forth May flowers,” has been traced back to 1886.

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The reference to April showers originated in the United Kingdom, and particularly Ireland, where the month of April tends to be especially rainy owing to the position of the jet stream.

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The cooler climate in those areas also pushes back the appearance of many flower species to late April and early May.

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It is believed the phrase was intended to avoid the blahs associated with rainy weather by focusing instead on the beauty of better weather on the horizon.

Did You Know

“Perennials,” which die off in the fall and bloom again each spring, are the flowers one thinks of when thinking of Spring flowers.

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Some perennials, especially in warmer climates, might actually bloom in March or April.

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The previous month’s rainfall will have little impact on when these flowers “spring” back to life.

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Since the bulbs have been in the ground all along, the growth of some perennials depends on the overall trend of rainfall over the course of many months as opposed to just one.

Did You Know

During the course of blooming, too much rainfall could be harmful as some flowers are prone to disease resulting from too much rain.

Did You Know

“Annuals,” the flowers you have to replant each year and are different from “Perennials,” have to be planted each year and can’t be planted until the threat of frost passes.

Did You Know

Once planted, the rainfall which impacts the growth of Annuals is the rainfall that occurs after the planting, not prior.

Did You Know

It is imagined that temperature, and not showers falling a month prior to a flower’s bloom is more important to determine when a particular flower will bloom.

Did You Know

When the average temperature approaches “Spring-like” weather, flowers begin to bloom, regardless of how much rain is received in April or the month prior to the flowers beginning to flourish.
Now, be honest, how many of you knew even half of those riveting facts about whether April showers really were responsible for the onset of May flowers?

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With more than 30 years of outside sales experience, Felicia has committed herself to helping others successfully achieve their goals. Contact her today so she can guide you through the buying and selling process.

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